Available in English

SilverKnight IdleRPG

SilverKnight IdleRPG
  • OS


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  • Language

    English, Others

  • Update date

    17 May 2024

SilverKnight IdleRPG - The strength of the hero and the magic of the witch unite in this exciting RPG game. Together they battle, learning skills and overcoming dark dungeons teeming with new monsters. But will they be able to overcome all the trials that fate throws at them? We need your help to help them overcome many obstacles.

Game features:

Character growth:

- Use gold and experience points to improve the characteristics of the heroes, unlocking new abilities and perfecting your skills to combat new threats.


- Each item carries the potential to grow your character. The more high-quality items you wear, the more skills you acquire.

Powerful skills:

- Skills are a key element for victory. They are not only cool and powerful, but also give your character uniqueness. Use them wisely to become even stronger.

Faithful pet:

- Your pet not only enhances your abilities but also assists in battles. It is a loyal companion that will help you conquer any dangers.

App rating

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Requirements tov1.8.01

  • OS version: Android 7.0+
  • Internet: required
  • Requires free space: 119 Mb

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v1.8.01  Original

17.05.2024 - Changes not specified.

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