Samurai 2: Vengeance

Samurai 2: Vengeance
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    26 February 2023

Samurai 2: Vengeance - Feel like a real samurai fighting for justice in a world full of dangers and boss battles! You will have to fight opponents using your fighting skills and sword skills. Gradually go through each level, where there will be a unique environment and a set of enemies. The main character can use different combinations of punches and grapples to fight with opponents. In addition, there are special techniques that can be used to deliver unique deadly blows to the enemy.

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Requirements to v1.4.0

  • OS version: iOS 10.3+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 158.43 Мб

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v1.4.0   Original

26.02.2023 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 2

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