Android, iOS
Update date
06 June 2021
ICEY – action game for IOS, made in 2D graphics. In this game you will take control of the main character and will take her to numerous locations where you have to fight with different enemies. Run forward and worked his way, destroying enemies and powerful bosses, which is not so easy to win. Game players will appreciate the excellent combat system, thanks to which you will be able to pick up a unique style of battle and do combo attacks. Run forward and do not stop do not face any obstacles and grab a unique approach to the destruction of the bosses. Suck your character and customize it with unique abilities and weapons.
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Rating of 4 users
Requirements to v1.2.0
- OS version: iOS 8.0+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 1.05 Гб
- Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch
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v1.2.0 Original
v1.1.4 Original
Votes: 1
v1.0.2 Original
Votes: 1
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