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Robotic Planet

Robotic Planet
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    25 February 2012

Military-economic strategy for Android  in real time! The story is robots are just landed on a new planet with the purpose of establishment of their settlement. On this planet there is a lot of things that are necessary and usual for a human, but the robot is not necessary. You need to study the geography of the planet, to scout the location of resources and start to build and develop your settlement. It is necessary to build factories and produce new robots. The game offers 6 types of robots:

  • transport robots transport goods between buildings
  • builders construct building
  • drillers mined crystals
  • farmers grow energy crop varieties, granite and iron ore,
  • loggers extract wood
  • finally, fighting robots attack the enemy.

In addition to creating your economic world, you need to reflect attack of the robots other settlements, find and capture enemy territory and destroy its bases.
In the game Robotic Planet for Android is presented your attention 2 modes - the game is a single and multiplayer mode via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. 21 map of the globe, including the tutorial, and the map generator to create new unique cards!

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v0.4.6  Original

25.02.2012 - Changes not specified.

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