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    18 October 2021

Ria – mythological action game Android, with an open world full of monsters. In this game you will go on a dangerous journey where you will play the role of the son of God who was sent to earth to clean it from monsters and to prepare for human civilization. Help Rio cope alone with the hordes of deadly enemies and epic bosses. In this game your main task is not to allow dark forces to summon their Queen Dark Souls. Explore a huge world and fight dynamically generated enemy creatures every time to change. Complete dangerous quests and upgrade your character during the game.


  • Test your skills against enemies of a higher level, some with deadly new abilities.
  • Collect "Dark souls" to create and create evil Arsenal of weapons, armor and modifications to each fight approached dozens of unique ways.
  • ability to skip the cinematic
  • updated materials that you can use to create a wicked Arsenal of weapons, armor
  • Enjoy HighEnd 3D graphics, realistic physics and animation
  • Combine several fighting styles in your own unique way of playing
  • Use the special abilities, perks and enhancements.
  • Travel the big open world Mao, full of spectacular scenery.
  • Immerse yourself in a captivating story with an epic quest to save the world

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Requirements to v1.1.9

  • OS version: Android 5.0+
  • Internet: required
  • Download cache only from the site!
  • Requires free space: 1 Gb

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v1.1.9  Original

18.10.2021 + Cloud Game Save Enabled . - Fixed Frozen Map Fall Zone. - Bug Fixes - Removed Facebook API Added - Minor Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements

Votes: 1

v1.1.6  Original

v1.1.5a  Original

v1.1.3a  Original

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