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Побег из Саратова

Побег из Саратова
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    22 January 2023

Escape from Saratov - It would be better if you didn't even think about escaping from your city, as most local residents of Saratov have already tried to escape once and it didn't work out for them. This application is considered a detailed guide on how it is impossible to escape, even if you have the desire and all the chances to escape. Find out for yourself what you can decide on in terms of survival and what sacrifices will be made for it. Consider different outcomes, as each action will lead to a unique result.

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Requirements tov0.7

  • OS version: Android 4.4+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 33 Mb

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v0.7   Original

22.01.2023 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 8

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