Pixel-App-art draw on the cells in the notebook

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Update date
18 February 2021
& lt;p & gt; Not everyone can draw, so when it comes to relaxing in this way, in most cases we come to a dead end. Repeatedly, each person tried to draw at least something on the cells in the notebook, according to ready-made templates. And if you don't have such an opportunity yet, draw in the game! A huge selection of images gives you complete freedom of imagination: unicorns, food, animals, birds, characters from books or cartoons, plants, pictures on certain topics, and so on. The right color, a little time for coloring and you're done!
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Requirements to v1.0
- OS version: Android 4.0+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 42 Mb
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v1.0 Original
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