Hype Text - Animated Text & Intro Maker

Hype Text - Animated Text & Intro Maker
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    07 July 2021

Hype Text - Animated Text & Intro Maker - Turn ordinary photos into creative shots that perfectly convey the atmosphere and mood! Choose the necessary image and start transforming it: add any text with amazing animations, colors, and other effects. Try using this useful feature even when editing video material! Choose the appropriate text style for each video or photo and customize the animation as you like. Add music and adjust the speed to stand out from the rest!

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Requirements to v4.7.2

  • OS version: Android 5.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 27 Mb

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v4.7.2  Unlocked

7.07.2021 - Changes not specified.

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