Pirates 3D Cannon Master

Pirates 3D Cannon Master
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    12 March 2012

Pirates 3D Cannon Master - Fascinating sea shooter for Android sends us back in time to the dawn of seafaring, and the first manifestations of piracy. When scientific achievements of mankind have allowed to build strong and large vessels, when the path began to run through the compass, and sectarian, all the world powers of those times, launched a desperate fight for domination of the seas. And here there was such a thing as Piracy! And here you are invited to try their hand at the role of a brave captain of a pirate ship. Choose one of 10 ships , ready it to sail and go to a meeting majestic sea battles, tearing the air with bursts of battery and ringing sharp swords for boarding combat. Remember that in battles you will have to take everything into account: the trajectory of the nuclei, the direction of the wind, lower and raise the sails, saving them from volleys of enemy ships. The feature of the game is that the battles go over the WAN, but there is Offline mode where you can practice, because in real combat descent and time to think nobody will give! Download Pirates 3D Cannon Master for Android is not only to participate in great naval battles, but also immerse themselves in the extraordinary times of the great and brave captains.

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v1.10  Original

12.03.2012 - Changes not specified.

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