PAYDAY: Crime War

PAYDAY: Crime War
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    07 August 2019

PAYDAY: Crime War first – person shooter for Android where you will play the role of a bandit. Your main task will be to lead a team of criminals who carry out dangerous missions, robbing banks, holding hostages and engaging in a gunfight with police. In the game players come in the way of the villain in elegant suits and grotesque masks. In PAYDAY: Crime War there is online mode where a team of 4 people is a challenge to the opponents and those competing with each other on one map. Upgrade and improve your character as the game progresses, and unlock new weapons.

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Rating of 99 users


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Requirements to v0.9.1

  • OS version: Android 4.1+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 332 Mb

Download gamePAYDAY: Crime War

v0.9.1  Original

7.08.2019 - Changes not specified.

Cache for the game PAYDAY: Crime War: extract the folder from the archive to /Android/obb/

- it should look like this /Android/obb/com.nbcuni.usie.paydaycrimewarstarbreeze/

- install apk, run the game!


Votes: 40

v0.9.0  Original

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