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Nile Valley: Farm Adventure

Nile Valley: Farm Adventure
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    16 August 2024

Nile Valley: Farm Adventure - the valleys of the Nile are simply teeming with fertility! Why not settle near them and create the perfect settlement on the banks of this mighty river? This is what our heroes will do when they arrive on their ship. Explore the green fields surrounding the Nile and find useful resources there. But you can find not only resources, but also buildings, destroyed by time. We will restore them and turn them into our possessions. Collect a variety of goods, and then sell them to those in need. Create a new settlement on the ruins of the former civilization's greatness.

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Requirements to v0.17.3

  • OS version: Android 7.1+
  • Internet: required
  • Requires free space: 33 Mb

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v0.17.3  Original

16.08.2024 - Changes not specified.

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