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Necromancer 2: The Crypt of the Pixels

Necromancer 2: The Crypt of the Pixels
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    17 December 2017

the First part of the game tells us about the battle of the three characters Sam, Hey, Leo and the necromancer, in the best traditions of the genre, our heroes triumph over evil. Ine having to return home find themselves in a mysterious situation, from this moment begins the development of the second part, called the Necromancer 2: The Crypt of the Pixels. With the development of the plot of the sequel, you have to face new enemies and dangers, to undergo a new plot and defeat the new boss. The rest of the developers decided to keep the basic elements of the first part, pixel graphics three-dimensional style, the controls and gameplay mechanics.

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v1.0.21  Original

17.12.2017 - Changes not specified.

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