My Brute

My Brute
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    02 August 2012

My Brute is a great game, fitng for Android about street fighting. More precisely, even not the street, the main action takes place in the arena. But first things first - first choose a hero, give him the name equip, then get a helper (it could be wolf, bear or other animal) and remains the case for small - to choose an opponent. The game allows online at any time of the day to find a suitable partner for the game, so the rivals will have no problems. 
In the game you don't have to endlessly poking the same buttons and combine attacks, uluca the right time. Here the battle goes on without you, or rather you are watching, enjoy the victory! The main thing is to choose an opponent. In addition, increasing the experience given for each win, you can improve the uniforms and the abilities of your hero, and open doors for new actors!

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v7.5.3  Original

2.08.2012 - Changes not specified.

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