Mini Survival: Zombie Fight

Mini Survival: Zombie Fight
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  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    20 October 2023

Mini Survival: Zombie Fight - The game is a survival simulator in a zombie apocalypse, where the main task of the player is to build a safe haven for survivors and protect themselves from zombies. The player starts with a small plot of land on which to build a shelter. To do this, you need to collect resources such as wood, stone and metal, which can be used to build walls, roofs and other structures. You also need to take care of the food of the survivors, growing vegetables and fruits in the garden and breeding animals for meat.

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Requirements to v2.5.1

  • OS version: Android 5.1+
  • Internet: required for online mode
  • Download cache only from the site!
  • Requires free space: 1430 Mb

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v2.5.1  Original

2.04.2024 - Changes not specified.

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