Ares Virus

Ares Virus
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    20 April 2022

Ares Virus - according to the story of this game on the Ground came a zombie Apocalypse and now, the few survivors have to try to survive in conditions of resources and ending the constant attacks of the walking dead. The gameplay is built on the principle of action of vigilance, with shooting, research, crafting and some other elements rolevki. It is worth noting the unusual graphic design, as well as the fact that to the forefront of the Ares Virus is still out of action component.

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Rating of 26 users


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Requirements to v1.0.9

  • OS version: Android 4.1+
  • Internet: required
  • Requires free space: 150 Mb

Download gameAres Virus Mod: Immortality

v1.0.9  Original. Mod: Immortality

20.04.2022 - Changes not specified.


- Unlimited health

- Unlimited energy


Votes: 4

v1.0.8  Original. Mod: Immortality

v1.0.7  Original. Mod: Immortality

v1.0.6  Original

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