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    03 February 2023

MAZEMAN - Get into a very unusual place where the main process of the game will take place between the walls of a high maze. On any of the way you will meet a lot of different monsters, useful items, bonuses, rare resources for collecting and so on. Find all the necessary keys on the territory as soon as possible, as the speed of the game will be increased, the mazes will be large. In total, in the game you will get acquainted with more than 24 characters to choose as a hero, set yourself real challenges of boss battles, try to do as many actions as possible in a limited time and find all the keys.

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Requirements to v2.11

  • OS version: Android 4.4+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 35 Mb

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v2.11   Original

3.02.2023 - Changes not specified.

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