Mario Kart Tour

Update date
03 February 2020
Mario Kart Tour – exciting racing game is now on your Android device. In this game you are together with Mario and his friends will go on a world tour of numerous cities and countries. Control a kart and drive around various locations trying to overtake rivals. Travel the world and try to collect all coins and items that will allow you to unlock the Madness mode – which gives unlimited supply of items and will make you invincible. Use this mode to the maximum because it does not last long. Complete various tasks and get rewarded with badges that will be displayed in the leaderboard. Come to the finish first and show the best results in the race.
App rating
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Rating of 25 users
Requirements to v1.6.0
- OS version: Android 4.4+
- Internet: required
- Download cache only from the site!
- Requires free space: 120 Mb
Download gameMario Kart Tour
v1.6.0 Original
v1.1.1 Original
v1.1.0 Original
v1.0.2 Original
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V 1.6.0 It doesn't work, I get error 806-1728, telling me that the time on the device does not match the current time, which is false.
Mr. Penguin, aunque ya vi que esta gratis en la playstore