Lunata Rescue Adventure is a colorful platformer, the plot of which tells about some mysterious insect, children who was kidnapped insidious insect Queen Donatella. Now you need not only to find Chad, but also to deliver them from the many clutches of the evil Queen. To get started is to stop at stunning graphical solution, all the elements are hand-drawn and made in cartoon;br />the Second important element is the game mechanics, the gameplay combines elements of classic platforming and a rather unusual solution that allows you to in addition to the passing scene really examine it to find the hiding places and useful things. So, the developers added a few extra modes that allow you to significantly diversify an already fun gameplay.
While these buttons work, years will pass, maybe even centuries, but do not despair, wait and you will be rewarded! Want to speed up the development process? Do reposts of the site pages on social networks and tell your friends about us!
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