Lost Journey

Lost Journey
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    22 October 2016

Young independent Studio DreamSky in its history has produced only a few titles but the game is called Lost Journey was the most anticipated project of the year. Initially Lost Journey was released on the iOS platform and now it is the turn of Android devices. It is worth noting that the game is really worthy of attention.
the Plot of Lost Journey evolves around a little girl named Jennifer, to which an angel appears and sends the main character on a difficult journey in search of memories. As you progress through Jennifer collects fragments of memories, while encountering many difficulties, including unpleasant events from the past. But the power of the spirit and the happy memories push the character forward to meet the dream.

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v1.3.12  Original. Unlocked

22.10.2016 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 3

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