JDM Racing

JDM Racing
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    English, Russian, Others

  • Update date

    06 December 2024

JDM racing racing game on Android where you will feel a real drive and experience the thrill of great speed and drifts. Take control of your racing car and take part in various races that will be held on different routes. Win in many types of competitions to win exclusive cars. To improve and upgrade their cars and making their speed guns. Walk the path from beginner to professional racer. The game will delight players realistic physics and excellent 3D graphics. Take control of iconic Japanese cars and check on the fact of different game modes.

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Requirements to v1.6.6

  • OS version: Android 6.0+
  • Internet: required for online mode
  • Download cache only from the site!
  • Requires free space: 1 Gb
  • Multiplayer: via the Internet

Download gameJDM Racing Money Mod

v1.6.6  Original. Money Mod

6.12.2024 - Changes not specified.


- Unlocked all cars

- Unlocked all tracks

- Unlimited money

Cache for JDM Racing: unzip the folder to /Android/obb/
- path will look like this: /Android/obb/com.starkoment.JDMRacing/
- install apk, launch the game!


Votes: 0

v1.6.5  Original. Money Mod

v1.6.4  Original. Money Mod

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