James Cameron's Avatar

English, Ukrainian, Russian, Others
Update date
11 March 2024
You are Captain Ryan Lorenz. You are about to transfer your consciousness into an experimental hybrid of a human and Na'vi to become the first avatar. Can you imagine the consequences of your transformation? Will you use your new power to save the Na'vi, or will you ally with the humans to help them destroy this amazing world? Uncover the unique story taking place twenty years before the events of the movie and learn how the first avatar was created. Embark on a journey of new discoveries, dangers, and adventures in this incredible world. You will have to fight for survival against wild animals and carnivorous plants. When the battle reaches its peak, you will soar into the skies of Pandora on banshees in an epic kill-them-all game. Establish yourself in the Na'vi village. Help protect their world - fight and repel human attacks on Pandora. Explore all aspects of Pandora - the world created by James Cameron. Complete all 15 levels, from human-built mines and military fortifications to beautiful waterfalls and jungles with abundant vegetation that comes alive at night under the glow of bioluminescent plants. Master the martial arts of the Na'vi. Practice archery, improve your accuracy, perform various combat combinations, and use advanced human weaponry. The voice of Neytiri, the heroine of the movie, narrates this epic story.
App rating
Editors rating
Rating of 37 users
Requirements tov1.0.2
- OS version: Android 4.1+
- Internet: not required
- Download cache only from the site!
- Requires free space: 150 Mb
Download gameJames Cameron's Avatar
v1.0.2 Original
Cache for James Cameron's Avatar: unzip the folder to /gameloft/games/
- path will look like this: /gameloft/games/Avatar/
- install apk, launch the game!
Votes: 10
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Lmao, alien far cry