J2ME Loader

J2ME Loader
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    15 August 2024

Loader J2ME emulator for Android that allows you to run J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) application for Android. Currently, most 2D games, the 3D support is present, but with some limitations (game Mascot Capsule 3D don't work). For comfortable control in games there is support for the virtual keyboard, as well as individual settings for each application. So the image wasn't small or too large, there is support for scaling.

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Requirements to v1.8.2-play

  • OS version: Android 4.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 20 Mb

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v1.8.2-play  Original

15.08.2024 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 0

v1.8.1-play  Original

v1.7.9-play  Original

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