Dolphin Emulator

Update date
24 December 2024
Dolphin Emulator - Enjoy your time in the game console with the highest quality and many improvements! There is everything you need inside the console: high game speed, good playback quality, user-friendly interface, network multiplayer, compatibility with PC controllers and other features. In the console, you can play a large number of different games, even if they seem too complicated or weigh a lot. Use the app for your own benefit and you will not notice how you will use it regularly.
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Rating of 35 users
Requirements to v2412-57
- OS version: Android 4.4+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 20 Mb
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v2412-57 Original
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😡 This is a goddamn piece of shit emulator! It's not for 32 bit phones and runs too goddamn slow! Fuck you to goddamn hell, you piece of shit Russians! You deserve to be bombed by the US! I hope someone tracks you down and kills you all! Cunts!
fub, Get a Better phone instead crying for nothing, do you really believe that a 32bit device can correctly emulate seventh generation console? Do you wanna play Cyberpunk 2077 on your SHITTY phone?.
Ah, I'm not Russian but I hate idiots like you
Поджигатель, Fuck you, Russian cunt!!!