Hungry Shark World

Hungry Shark World
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    English, Russian, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish, Others

  • Update date

    17 March 2025

Hungry Shark World shark is back and this time they will not give peace to anyone who is in their element. The shark is always hungry and they need to eat a lot, go any food, small fish, larger fish and even other sharks. Suddenly emerges from the strata of water and not eat unsuspecting pelicans. As for the people, helplessly floundering in the water, so this is one of the most favorite snacks. Explore the vast areas filled with gorgeous marine life, picturesque landscape and other subjects. Various shark have their own characteristics.

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Requirements to v6.6.6

  • OS version: Android 7.0+
  • Internet: required for online mode
  • Requires free space: 500 Mb

Download gameHungry Shark World Mod Menu

v6.6.6  Mod Menu

17.03.2025 - Changes not specified.

Mod menu:

- Splash Pass is activated and all rewards are available

- Increase money when spend


Votes: 1

v6.6.1  Mod Menu

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