Hola Premium VPN Proxy

Internet and network
English, Russian
Update date
24 June 2022
Hola Free VPN Proxy - Want to visit a bunch of foreign sites to which access is blocked from your region? Now you can do it with this app. Not only will you be able to visit the sites on which the unit regions, but also those sites that are blocked because of the censorship. And most importantly what access you get for free, and without too much hassle. This app combines the VPN and a browser simultaneously, so you will easily find everything that you need. While maintaining full confidentiality of their data.
App rating
Editors rating
Rating of 30 users
Requirements to v1.183.956
- OS version: Android 4.0+
- Internet: required
- Requires free space: 55 Mb
Download appHola Premium VPN Proxy Premium
v1.183.956 Premium
v1.182.864 Original
v1.178.155 Premium
v1.177.931 Premium
Comments to Hola Premium VPN Proxy on Android
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I can't install it, google play protect doesn't allow me to run it, even after I turned it off, why??🤔
Imperial_Terra, solution is simple:
in Play Store protection screen press "More details" and "install anyway"