Ghost Files

Ghost Files
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  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    28 June 2017

Ghost Files / the Case of the Ghost - Residents of Boston are shocked by a series of mysterious murders. You have to play detective Emily Mayer, which is mandated as fast as you can to find the killer and solve the case of the mysterious "Culprit."
You will go on the trail of a suspect, solving difficult puzzles and challenges. Explore crime scenes to find more evidence and fingerprints. Suddenly, your investigation will lead to the fact that you will find yourself on the brink between life and death. You get into the realm of ghosts, dark secrets and mysteries.


  • solve the case of the 10 murders
  • Beautiful locations to search
  • enemies
  • A huge number of mini-games
  • Ability to open additional Chapter

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v1.0  Full

28.06.2017 - Changes not specified.

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