Foie Gras of the ax, Dontsova

Foie Gras of the ax, Dontsova
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    24 September 2013

Foie Gras of the ax, Dontsova for Android. Tatiana Sergeeva beat out the boss! However, her subordinates got to pick – with left-hand thread. A Secretary, for example, turned Tanya's office in… the dining room! And in this madhouse to deal with a complex matter? Wanda, the housekeeper of the famous composer Xenia, KAUF, was asked to investigate the death of his mistress. She supposedly killed herself, but Wanda did my research and realized that to move to another world Ksenia obviously helped! However, it soon became clear that he did it… the very Wanda. Yes, she wrote a letter of repentance, where he confessed to the murder, and leaped off the cliff into the river… everything Seems to have resolved itself, but Tanya is not so easy to hold, even with this brilliantly choreographed performance!
From the settings books are available: color palette, font and screen brightness.

Note: the program has an advertising module, damage he is not responsible, but some antiviruses can sound the alarm.

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v3.0.0  Original

24.09.2013 - Changes not specified.

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