Android, iOS
Board Games
Update date
03 June 2019
Frost - collectible card Board game that uses familiar game mechanics, while absorbed a lot of new ideas and approach. Developers Frost decided to move away from the traditional fantasy trends, specific to the genre and look at the ACI, on the other hand. To start of course is with the plot. The game takes place in a fantasy world, by the way worked until the last detail, a world in which there was a global disaster caused by a cold and relentless snow storms. Now the entire population is forced to adapt. In addition to exploring the game world, the creators Frost used the original graphic solution that perfectly conveys the overall atmosphere of the game. It is also worth noting the presence of various game modes, which further diversifies the gameplay.
App rating
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Rating of 1 users
Requirements tov1.63
- OS version: Android 4.1+
- Requires free space: 95 Mb
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