Forgotten Memories

Forgotten Memories
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    19 December 2019

Forgotten Memories - classic survival-horror third-person for Android that combines study, reflection, puzzle, action and survival gameplay-oriented mechanics of fear. You're playing for a Rose Hawkins - a woman who is looking for the missing girl Eden. She wakes up in a strange unknown place to her, with a gunshot wound. In search of the missing girls, she understands that fell into the center of a terrible tragedy in the space beyond time. Rose has to face their deepest fears in order to unravel the chilling secret hospital.

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Requirements to v1.0.8

  • OS version: Android 4.4+
  • Internet: not required
  • Download cache only from the site!
  • Requires free space: 1000 Mb

Download gameForgotten Memories

v1.0.8  Original

19.12.2019 - Added support for nVIDIA SHIELD and XBOX ONE (or similar PC) gamepads

Cache for Forgotten Memories: unzip the folder to /Android/obb/
- path will look like this: /Android/obb/com.psychoseinteractive.forgottenmemories/
- install apk, launch the game!


Votes: 45

v1.0.6  Original

v1.0.5  Original

v1.0.2  Original

Comments to Forgotten Memories on Android


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  • user893987
    user893987 month ago

    Como esta foorgotten memories alguien que me diga se puede jugar sin interrupciones de la cabra

  • Pdfusermodgame99
    Pdfusermodgame99 10 months ago

    If u didn't understand my comment u can translate:
    Versi 1.0.8 yg terbaru memang grafiknya sangatlah bagus namu "Dear/moose ghost" tetap akan muncul dan akan selalu membunuh player di saat kita memainkan game tersebut.
    Jika ingin bermain tanpa di ganggu oleh hantu tersebut mainlah yang versi lamanya versi 1.0.1 itu saran dari saya
    Thank for u, read my comment

  • Lebo
    Lebo 3 years ago
    Lebo 3 years ago

    What happened to the comments!? I'm from Libya 😁

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