FlipaClip - Cartoon animation

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Update date
08 May 2023
FlipaClip - Cartoon animation - Always loved to draw and always dreamed about doing a cartoon? Then this app definitely will help you! With it, you will be able to create flipklip, these are short cartoons, which operate on the principle of frame-by-frame. All you need is to change a bunch of options and start to create your video. Creating the right number of frames, you start assembling them and the app automatically creates a cartoon. And now you can not only watch it yourself but also share with your friends.
App rating
Editors rating
Rating of 10 users
Requirements to v3.3.4
- OS version: Android 4.0+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 50 Mb
Links to files deleted by the request of the author!
Support developer - install the application from the official market
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