Exorcist - 3D Shooter

Update date
06 March 2012
Mystical shooter Exorcist - 3D Shooter for Android. Location - the cemetery. Time - full moon. The task is to complete various quests and collect a set number of spirits. Wander through the cemetery and cast out devils, by painting magic signs. Quests such as "reading prayers in a certain number of laps" and "stay alive for a certain period of time". The farther into the game you go, the harder it is to cope with the monsters, because they increase both in quantity and in quality. Gameplay is implemented through discernment drawn on the screen characters. The player through a sequence of these symbols can choose one of 40 spells. You must call the magic ring by clicking on the right stick and draw the characters corresponding to the spells that invoke the power of magic! After drawn icons again click on the right stick and the magic begins to operate.
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Rating of 2 users
Requirements to v1.04
- OS version: Android 2.3+
- Requires free space: 144 Mb
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v1.04 Original
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