Drops: Language learning - learn Japanese and more
English, Russian, Others
Update date
30 December 2020
the Study of different languages will no longer difficult along with Drops! App helps to learn English, German, French and even Italian in just 5 minutes a day! And that's not all, now the process itself is reminiscent of interesting mini-games (choose the visualization to the word to form a word from letters, folded items to...), but not boring Zaruba dictionary and educational books. Also, all divided into groups: basics, food and drink, travel and technology, nature and animals, humans and health, other (and those on the subgroup).
App rating
Editors rating
Rating of 5 users
Requirements tov35.40
- OS version: Android 4.4+
- Internet: required
- Requires free space: 45 Mb
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the app works but it's not unlocked, not premium mod...