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Minecraft Survival

Minecraft Survival
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    24 October 2017

minecraft Survival - horror quest with a mystical plot and elements of a roguelike. The game's plot tells us about an alternate world whose inhabitants suffered from creatures and evil permeates their world from the open portal. There was a legend that one day will come the girl was able to close the gates of evil and once the day arrived.
it is obvious that you have to play just the role of this courageous heroine, down in the dungeon she realizes that she will not pass an easy test is full of dangers, but there is simply no choice.
the Original idea of the game is the borrowed element in the genre of roguelikes, pogibnuv you will have to start all over again, all the items will be lost, but the skills and special abilities will stay with you.

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v1.1.26  Original. Money Mod

5.06.2017 - Changes not specified.

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