Critical Ops

Critical Ops

Critical Ops - Dynamic action shooter first-person. The game will test your shooting skills, reflexes and tactical skills. In the game you will be able to conduct a modern anti-terrorist operation will use the latest weapons and tested old. Or destroy some object playing for the terrorists themselves. It's your choice for the kind of party you play! Play together with your friends and have a lot of good feelings.


  • Beautiful graphics
  • Many different areas to fight
  • the Ability to play with friends
  • Play against players from around the world

Compatible: iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

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Requirements to v0.9.1

  • OS version: iOS 9.3+
  • Requires free space: 287.32 Mb
  • Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch

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v0.9.1  Original

24.08.2017 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 3

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