

Crashlands, you, successful intergalactic trucker whose last trip was disrupted because of the alien threat in the face of Hewgodooko. In the end, you were on an alien native to the planet you. The main purpose of your stay is to find the lost cargo, and of course to stay alive is also not hurt. A huge number of dangerous enemies are waiting for you at every corner. The game has a deep crafting system, so those who like this type of game will certainly appreciate the efforts of developers, but is inherent to the game, the humor adds a unique charm.

Compatible: iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

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Requirements to v100.0.160

  • OS version: iOS 13+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 109.61 Мб
  • Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch

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v100.0.160  Original

24.01.2025 - Changes not specified.

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v100.0.118  Original

v100.0.115  Original

v100.0.109  Original

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