
Update date
09 May 2024
Caracoles is a unique and insanely psychedelic casual project that combines elements of racing, if they can be called that, with unusual visual design and the opportunity to participate in online competitions. Players will have to choose a snail and strive to be the first to reach the finish line. They will have to overcome challenging tracks, dodge collisions with obstacles, and solve a variety of tasks on the way to victory. Fortunately, players have plenty of time for this, as speed maneuvers and high speeds are not the focus here. Everything happens slowly, but amusingly, especially in the company of friends. The original concept and numerous additional game elements ensure excellent entertainment.
App rating
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Rating of 6 users
Requirements to v0.5.03
- OS version: Android 5.1+
- Internet: required for online mode
- Requires free space: 71 Mb
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v0.5.03 Original
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Fun for a short time it doesn't have multiplayer its all bots