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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    03 April 2019

BuriedTown action game on Android where you have to survive in a dangerous zombie-infested city. You are a tourist and your expedition withered you to the South coast to the town of BuriedTown, you thought that your adventure will end, but you are deeply mistaken. Moored to the shore on a small boat, you discover that in this city there is no civilization, and instead of the friendly inhabitants, hordes of zombies. Your task will be to explore the city and look for food, shelter and weapons to shoot the zombies. The only connection with the other world you will carry out with the help of an old radio. This game is top-down, where you have to navigate around buildings, city streets, and seek shelter. Collect all the items you need and sell them getting food and weapons. Try to survive in extreme conditions and return home.

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v1.4.3  Original

3.04.2019 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 1

v1.3.4  Original

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