Boxes: Lost Fragments

Boxes: Lost Fragments
  • OS


  • Category

    Puzzle Games

  • Language

    English, Russian, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish, Others

  • Update date

    25 November 2024

Boxes: Lost Fragments - The next task of the famous thief will lead you to a magnificent and majestic palace. It is there that you will find a number of mystery boxes, the purpose of which remains unknown.However, you will soon begin to notice signs that perhaps you have never been in control of what is happening. You start to wonder if this palace is just a house or maybe it serves as a prison. What was originally planned as a quick infiltration and disappearance is beginning to turn into your personal struggle for freedom and truth.

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Requirements to v1.27

  • OS version: Android 9.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 1 Gb

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v1.27  Unlocked

25.11.2024 - Changes not specified.

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v1.22  Unlocked

v1.19  Unlocked

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