Berserk: Millennium Falcon Hen Seima Senki no Shou

Update date
06 January 2025
Berserk: Millennium Falcon Hen Seima Senki no Shou - The game's world is inhabited by humans and supernatural beings, all under the control of the God Hand members—mysterious entities that manipulate humanity's fate. After the bloody ceremony of Griffith’s resurrection, the former leader of the mercenaries, the Black Swordsman Guts survives and continues his journey, despite losing his left arm. In the first game, Guts was able to save his beloved Casca, and in this new installment, he once again battles demons, traveling alongside the elf Puck, the amnesiac Casca, and heroes like Farnese, Serpico, Isidro, and Schierke.
The game's plot is presented through animated cutscenes, while gameplay combines dynamic "hack and slash" mechanics with tactical elements. Guts uses various combos, charged attacks, blocks, and counters that require precise timing to take down powerful foes. Special moves and finishing attacks are also available. Players can choose from a range of weapons—from classic swords to unique types of armaments. Allies play a crucial role: they assist in battle, restore health, and enhance attacks.
By defeating enemies, Guts earns money that can be spent on magic, skill upgrades, health, and team bonuses. After completing the main campaign, two additional modes unlock: "100 Kills" (where players must defeat a set number of enemies within a time limit) and "Boss Rush" (boss battles). Completing levels in the first mode rewards players with new weapons.
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Rating of 5 users
Requirements to v1.0
- OS version: PS
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: ~ 4,00 Gb
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