Alien Shooter TD

Alien Shooter TD
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    03 September 2017

Alien Shooter TD is a known and currently the cult game will perform in a new role. The guys from Sigma Team decided to make a real tower defense and you can tell they got it. Army of alien creatures seeking to ruin and destroy all life. On guard will stand by the fighters of a special unit that will be able with proper training to fight back. Each fighter has its own specialty, you as the commander must skillfully arrange their forces to repel the attack. Each class fighters can be pumped and improve their abilities, without it you will not be able to overcome the enemy.

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Requirements to v1.5.9

  • OS version: Android 3.0+
  • Download cache only from the site!
  • Requires free space: 143 Mb

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v1.5.9  Мод: много диамантов

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