Abeytu - action - arcade events that occur in the distant future in an alternate universe. Humanity on the path of industrial and scientific progress has not only managed to exhaust almost all minerals, virtually to destroy the earth, but also to change almost all living beings on the planet. You are the only animal that remains the same and you have to protect the only piece of untouched forests, constantly being attacked by genetically modified creatures. the gameplay is simple, using the magical power, click on the advancing enemy forces, thereby destroying the shattered and dangerous animals. Try not only to survive but also to defend the last piece of untouched forests. In addition to ordinary forwards you will have to wait and fierce fights with bosses.
While these buttons work, years will pass, maybe even centuries, but do not despair, wait and you will be rewarded! Want to speed up the development process? Do reposts of the site pages on social networks and tell your friends about us!
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