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    03 July 2018

the Theme of the grim future where the world is on the brink of disaster, now is very popular. It is often used in film and igroindustriya also don't want to stay on the sidelines. Exaella tells the story of a high-tech world, depleting world stocks so that the majority of people were forced to take in artificial sleep to reduce the waste of resources of the Earth. The main character is the operator of one of the centers of artificial sleep, and only you can help him gather the necessary resources to continue the restoration of the ecosystem of the planet. Protect yourself and others, solve problems, invented AI (Artificial intelligence center). The game is an alternative version of the animated film Exaella.

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Requirements tov

  • OS version: iOS 6.0+
  • Requires free space: 701.4 Мб
  • Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch
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