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Zomborio: Online game

Zomborio: Online game
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  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    18 November 2022

Zomborio - If you want to survive in a world where the rules have completely changed after the Apocalypse, you must gather as many resources as possible for new constructions. Despite the constant approach of zombies to your territory, each member of the team must focus on their task: digging, maintaining order, and destroying the walking dead. Create huge sawmills, quarries, and smelters while holding your positions after 20 waves of attacks. With the diamonds obtained, you will be able to upgrade your equipment and armor.

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Requirements to v0.16

  • OS version: Android 1.5+
  • Internet: required for online mode
  • Requires free space: 83 Mb

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v0.16   Original

18.11.2022 - Changes not specified.

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