Yandex Pro (Taximeter)

Update date
14 March 2024
Yandex Pro is your reliable companion in the world of transportation services. Being a versatile application, it combines all the necessary tools for working as a taxi driver, courier, or even a pedestrian courier. Thanks to this, you can choose the most suitable mode of work for you, whether it's full-time employment or part-time work. One of the main advantages of Yandex Pro is its integrated Yandex Navigator. It provides fast and accurate route planning, while saving your device's memory. There's no need to open a separate map application, as everything you need is already in Yandex Pro. Forget about the need to search for orders yourself - they will automatically come to you. The app will determine the nearest orders, allowing you to save time on the road and increase your earnings.
App rating
Editors rating
Rating of 2 users
Requirements to v12.53
- OS version: Android 7.0+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 239 Mb
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v12.53 Original
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