Yandex Navigator

English, Russian
Update date
03 August 2020
Yandex Navigator from the best developer Yandex is the fastest and most efficient movement of vehicle routes in the cities of Russia and Ukraine, displaying traffic events such as traffic jam, accidents, overlapping, etc. Well to the screen does not blind the driver in the dark, the app contains a night mode.
- Remembers those addresses in your Favorites so you can quickly create routes to them;
- Knows additional information about buildings and other objects on the map
- Searches for geographical objects by names, house addresses, and organization names or occupation;
- Warns you about road events (accidents, repairs, etc.) and surveillance cameras;.
- Builds routes on detailed maps of cities of Russia and Ukraine, as well as along the routes between them;
- Accompanies the route voice guidance;
- rebuilds in a Timely manner route based on constantly updated information about traffic jams and road events;
App rating
Editors rating
Rating of 4 users
Requirements to v4.71
- OS version: Android 4.2+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 95 Mb
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v4.71 Original
v3.80 Original
v2.62 Original
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