Western Cowboy: Shooting Game

Western Cowboy: Shooting Game
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    27 November 2020

Western Cowboy: Shooting Game - Feel the music and the light breeze? Confirm your status as a respectable and professional the owner of the weapon. Survive will, making deliberate shots at opponents. Charge the weapon, release the trigger and protect yourself from death! The gameplay carries not only surround the portrayal of characters and the desert, and a perfect management mechanism: hold the sight on the target, release the finger to shot happened and all, you are in the mood! Save money, improve your weapons and appearance, to subdue all the girls of the city, now.

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Requirements to v0.314

  • OS version: Android 5.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 92 Mb

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v0.314  Original

27.11.2020 - Changes not specified.

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