
Live wallpaper
Update date
03 June 2021
& lt;p & gt;WellPaper-Do you want to use live wallpapers and at the same time know what you are constantly spending your precious time on, as well as battery power? This application will be your convenient salvation, because it includes these two functions at once! Browse through the available backgrounds and choose what you like, spend the battery on the wallpaper itself at a minimum, monitor your phone visits and limit yourself from unnecessary pastime. The app is divided into 6 categories, which is very convenient: games, tools, social, information and business, lifestyle, entertainment.
App rating
Editors rating
Rating of 2 users
Requirements to v1.0.2
- OS version: Android 7.0+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 45 Mb
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v1.0.2 Original
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