Waifu - Stripping Clothes

Waifu - Stripping Clothes
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    30 December 2021

Waif - Even students at school always need to look unsurpassed, so try to undress them, it will shock everyone around! Feel like a real winner in a regular game of "rock, scissors, paper", but with a small addition - undressing when losing. Anticipate what exactly each girl will give out next, so that with the new rounds they will have as little clothes as possible. Add your favorite girls to a special collection, go to the next levels and save up "credits", they will definitely be useful to you.

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Requirements to v1.6

  • OS version: Android 4.4+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 85 Mb

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v1.6  Original

30.12.2021 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 7

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