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    27 June 2016

VOEZ - new music rhythm arcade game from the creators of such masterpieces of the genre like Cytus and Deemo. VOEZ tells the story of a young girl Chelsea, who more than anything loves baking and singing and just can not imagine my life without music. Our heroine along with his pals collects a band and go on tours to all the world could hear her magic voice and beautiful music.
the gameplay in the best traditions of the genre, catch the falling notes, in accordance with the rhythm of the music, passing level after level, thereby promoting the group.
we should also focus on fulfillment VOEZ great atmospheric graphics, in a unique style and an amazing soundtrack combined with a touching storyline and fun gameplay will not leave anyone indifferent.

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Requirements to v1.0.3

  • OS version: Android 4.0+
  • Internet: required
  • Download cache only from the site!
  • Requires free space: 97 Mb

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v1.0.3  Original

27.06.2016 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 1

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