Viewtiful Joe – Red Hot Rumble

Update date
03 March 2024
The game Viewtiful Joe - Red Hot Rumble is a unique combination of classic fighting and new ideas. Unlike previous versions, this game borrows gameplay elements from the famous Super Smash Bros. series, making it even more interesting. The game includes a variety of characters such as Joe, Captain Blue, and Sylvia, who must battle each other. Players can choose one of these heroes and go through a series of trials in various arenas, including a construction site, warehouse, ring, and other locations. At each stage, players must complete specific tasks to progress. For example, they can collect visual effect spheres that can be used to damage opponents. There is also a multiplayer mode available, allowing players to battle alongside their friends.
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Rating of 6 users
Requirements to v1.0
- OS version: PSP
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 265 Mb
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